April: La Vie En Rose . . .


It’s April Folks!

Time for spring cleaning on all levels. Metaphors here include cleaning our lenses and transforming them into positive perspectives. Seeing the glass as half full!

This is the idea behind my art installation, Through Rose Colored Glasses / La Vie En Rose (yes, double titles). We can, from time to time, be influenced into seeing things from a perspective that is not in our highest and best good. Why would we do this? Convention? Fear?

As a matter of fact, I bet that we could make a career out of watching what meanings and opinions could be made to just about anything. Yes, it would be fair to say that we, as humans, are meaning making machines. Mmmmm so if that’s true, then we could choose to make meanings that benefit us vs. meanings that don’t . . .still with me?

Yes, we could look from a ‘la vie en rose’ perspective. This quote from Audrey Hepburn says it all: “La Vie En Rose. It is the French way of saying, ‘I am looking at the world through rose-colored glasses'”.  We could look at the positive side of things and accentuate them.

In writing this column, I am reminded how much we are influenced through these frames, these boundaries that we look through . . . often more than we care to share. The great thing to celebrate in being aware that most of us have free choice on choosing our own perspective on things. This hasn’t always been the case, and unfortunately for many in particular situations still don’t feel that it’s possible or safe to do. Sometimes this is true and sometimes it’s a belief that needs to be changed!

Celebrate that you can. I do. . .so much. . .that I made this huge steel art installation to spread this message. Choosing our own perspective is a birthright that should be honored and acknowledged. We all have our unique needs, wants and life purpose.

This is what I love about the world of coaching. It allows us to try on different glasses to see through. To update our beliefs on what we think is possible. We get to see and believe new possibilities for ourselves. Then. . .we get to go for it. Then. . .we get to go for it. . . .and zoom. . .constructive action with the right intention can manifest at a fast pace! Just like my belief of creating such a sculpture to spread my message in a public place, like Keukenhof, Tulip Park (That gets 1 million international visitors within 2 months). There are to, speak conservatively 500,000 selfies being sent around the world with this message now. . .yes, I am proud!

It has also been made possible when I personally updated my perspective of getting back into large art installations. 

Go ahead and check out these glasses at Keukenhof before May 21st! Rain or shine, Keukenhof is a beautiful, place to be. . .that is ever changing! Fyi: they planted 3 layers of bulbs, so that the park changes throughout the season. I have been waiting for the tulips just in front of La Vie En Rose to bloom. . .and this is happening any day now!

Pleeeeaaaaassse don’t forget to #daniellarubinovitz your social media shots so that I can see you in action. 

In the meantime, here is more info and lots of pictures at: http://www.daniellarubinovitz.com/artist/throughrosecoloredglasses/ 

Please give the tip of this month a go and do contact me if you would like individual guidance into your next chapter of shifting perspectives! I believe in you!



My tip this month is of course to go visit my La Vie En Rose at Keukenhof!

  1. Sit in the middel of the glasses and look out at the surrounding. (just the the others who want to take a selfie that you have my priority to do this!)
  2. Observe what you notice.
  3. If you have the resources, listen to La Vie en Rose (originally sung by Edith Piaf, or choose one of the many tributes by other artists. .. or just listen to my video as posted above) . . . 
  4. Notice your thoughts, feelings as you look around.
  5. Take note and see how you might be able to apply newly discovered findings in your life. . .Need any further tips here. . .contact me!

1) Keukenhof Art Installation: Come the the annual flower exhibit at Keukenhof until May 21st. 

2) SMART Week retreat: Book your spot now (just a couple left!) for the week retreat happening on: July 10-14th Details: http://www.ateliermolenpad.com/painting-retreat-week-amsterdam/

Categories: Journal
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