January: Creativity Rules This Year


Welcome to January, 2017!  

Zoom, sparkles, magic and bam! Here we are in 2017! Gosh, this makes me want to pause, take a breath, gather my thoughts, feelings and space!

Ah . . . better, here we go!

This month of January speaks all about beginnings. . .it speaks about follow through. . .it speaks about priorities and making choices! This year, again, I choose for artistic creativity.. . .to lead the way into wackiness, making the impossible possible, whimsy’s, serendipitous encounters. Whether this might be through the painting expression through colors, three dimensional sculpture of forms, singing and voice silliness, texture and material exploration, body awareness and movement. Each discipline has that beginning phase of awkwardness. That phase of. . .mmmm. . .i’m not so sure. . .what will others say? What about “looking good”. .. what will they say. . .what if they discover that I too started from scratch! This can seem like a scary place to be.

But ah. . .what if we let go of our ego.. . enter the world of vulnerability. . .what a warm bubble bath can come about! These seemingly unsafe, shameful places can become our personal breakthroughs where boundaries move to create a larger playing field for ourselves.

Personally, I have created a plan to dedicate my creativity in 2017 to public sculpture works. Have a look at my art installations in progress on my site!

In 2016, with the birth of Noah, thus having less time, it has become clear to me how important these art installations are. Just like the quote from Lucille Ball, “If you want something done, ask a busy person to do it. The more things you do, the more you can do.” It’s true! The less time that I have,  by learning to prioritise, delegate, organise, and see the larger picture has steered me along! I have streamlined my vast array of passions and made it practical!

From the monthly SMART Intuitive Painting Club, to the Summer SMART Intuitive Painting Retreats, to the individual guidance of those individuals who are as determined to define their priorities, to the allocation of space to apply and create public art installations. . .while continuing fun and harmony at home! This is how it has shaped up. . .yes, it took planing and also guidance by my side. . .this is exactly why I speak about how individual guidance can help break through boundaries in a super time efficient way!

I wouldn’t have believe all this was possible!

. . .and so I am hoping that this might inspire you in any which way! 

My secret recipe has been artistic creativity and guidance. Within the world of artistic creativity, I get to play and sketch out possibilities. . .Throwing paint, welding found objects and getting my hands into plaster opens possibilities galore! Its freeing to try out different materials. . .push them to the limits. . sketch out ideas. See for yourself what materials are waiting for your exploration?

Please give the tip of this month a go and do contact me if you would like some individual guidance into your next chapter!


Our tip this month: Experience artistic creativity and curiosity through material exploration.

  1. Grab a bucket and fill it with random materials.
  2. Go to a creative space (defined as a space where you can create a mess) 
  3. Think of this a mad scientist experiment.
  4. Play like a 3 year old.
  5. Stop when you feel its naturally time to stop
  6. Look at what you have created and draw/write about your experience in your notebook.



SMART Intuitive Painting Club: Next session January 17th. Book your spot now!

This is a fun journey that we embark on together. Each month we will come together as a group . . .whether you participate in realtime online, weather you live in Switzerland, New York, Portland, Chile etc. . .join in! Of course you can make it live in person when you are in Amsterdam! This journey starts  7:00pm- 10:00pm Amsterdam time. (which is 1:00 pm EST and 10:00 am PST). Join us on this journey!

As you know, the monthly group will be in the form of SMART sessions. This combines insight from the world of intuitive painting woven in with a dash of coaching. Of course that DOES involve intuitive painting, which after all represents the A (Art) in SMART. More info about my book SMART.

We meet in person, on a Tuesday evening,  Current dates: Jan 17, Feb 21, March 21. All live sessions are open through a virtual portal (online) and they will be recorded so that you can view and participate at your convenience. . .so. . . you don’t miss anything!

Participation is for members. Newcomers to the studio may be able to attend one class as a one time single workshop for 60 euro (as long as space permits). The online part of the program and online private group is inclusive for those who join the 7 month club in person.

Categories: Journal
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