Light and Shadow


I such welcome August and the light feeling so warm and bright (at least in the Northern Hemisphere. . .especially in Greece, where we are enjoying our summer holidays.)

With the light so bright, I notice the high contrast in the shadows that are created on the ground as I walk by. This is my inspiration of this newsletter. Playing with shadows. . .  which is actually playing with the light.

I get reminded how light and shadows are the flip side of the same coin. Shadow is created when an object blocks the light. Often the shadow looks distorted because of the angles where the light reaches the object and of course more distortion comes from the surface that the shadow falls on.

Interesting huh! This distortion of the shadow feels like a perfect metaphor to me for the feelings that we have about our own shadow. It takes courage to find the fun in looking at our own shadow that is created when we block out the light. But it is well worth it. Guidance in doing this is definitely a recommended option. It can feel lonely to dig into our own shadows and I have found it more fun to have company on this fascinating route.

Go ahead and check out the tip this month about practicing play with our shadows! This is a fun place to start this journey. . .incase it is new to you.

I would love to see your playful interpretations of the shadow. . .

Moving along. . .the next Adult intuitive painting club night at Atelier Molenpad is on Tuesday, August  27th. If you have been thinking about joining, but postponing. . .join.  These monthly painting evenings will be on sabbatical.  (There will be pop up workshops on request for minimum 8 participants.) Why this sabbatical? I will apply the administration time for these workshops to my new sculpture installation called Inner child . . .it is an interactive piece. Currently,  I’m in the grant application phase for the pilot that will be happening from October to December. More info to come. . . 

Kidz Art Lab is happening and we are looking to beef up our team, so we are looking to hire assistance, do reach out with recommendations! On that note, we are open to feedback and such! Dates are: August 25 and from September onwards weekly (see vacation schedule) from 10-11:00 am (18 months- 5 year olds). Session focus on the magical worlds of Drawing, Painting and Sculpture. Parents join in with their child during. The lab is as exciting for parent and child. As a parent or caretaker you will have a blast releasing your own inner child! Join our Instagram @kidzartlab or Facebook @kidzartlab group for dates. Fees: 1 time is 23 euro and for 6 times is 108 euro (in the summer these sessions can be taken over 3 months.) http://www.ateliermolenpad.com/kidzartlab/

On another note for adults: Ready for a unique Team Development Event?  Inquire about painting workshops that get teams to share more about themselves. . .while having a blast expanding their creativity. No experience necessary! Really! Contact me.

Want to work 1:1? Contact me. Curious about what could be expected about working with me in a private coaching session? You see, I combine Art Therapy (I’m an Art Therapist) and Coaching (and a certified Coach) with clients on a range of personal development topics that uncover the light in order to let it guide you on your path. I use art as an initial diagnostic tool to get an accurate picture of what is happening in the here and now. . .followed up with verbal coaching to meet goals.

x Daniella

Do give the tip of this month a go. Feel free to contact me to explore your next chapter together, regardless of location. Skype, Whattsap Video, Zoom and Facetime at our fingertips, locations know no boundaries!



Shadow play and drawings . . .

  1. Set up a scenario where you have a light source (the sun or a lamp)
  2. Choose an object, can be your hand, some lace, comb that creates an interesting shadow.
  3. Play with the angle that your object blocks the light source. 
  4. Place a piece of paper under the shadow.
  5. With your other hand trace the shadow on to the piece of paper.
  6. Fill in the shadow intuitively
  7. Observe your painting, what do you notice?
  8. Like to share? Post your drawings and findings on https://www.facebook.com/ateliermolenpad1/  . . .or Contact me for more on this topic.

1) Kidz Art Lab:  Sundays 10-11:00 am (+/- 18 months- 5 year olds)   http://www.ateliermolenpad.com/kidzartlab             https://www.facebook.com/kidzartlab/

2) SMART Intuitive Painting Club: August 27. This will be the last workshop pre-sabbatical.     Autumn | Winter | Spring painting workshops 2019-2020. Will be on sabbatical.Pop up workshops on demand for minimal groups of 8.

3) Inner Child Pilot Sculpture installation is in process of getting grant funding. More info to come as we move along.

4) SMART week retreats in Amsterdam: Check out retreat schedule for 2020. . . http://www.ateliermolenpad.com/painting-retreat-week-amsterdam/

5) La Vie En Rose 2.0: Come and participate with the happenings of this installation! Artists send in your ideas to daniella@daniellarubinovitz.com . More info on my Patreon site about supporting this project: https://www.patreon.com/daniellarubinovitz(Address: Anton Schleperspad, Amsterdam- 15 minute with bus 397 on way to Schiphol, 1 min walk from bus stop)

Categories: Journal
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