January Path to Passion


January brings with it a whole new round number! 2020! Wow, here we are!

I definitely feel an energy shift. . .and this is one of urgency. . .the urgency to update the path to passion. This passion clearly has a unique meaning to each of us. For me, that path continues to be interactive outdoor installations. It’s important to me that people can interact with art. Influence can be felt when interacting, rotating, moving an art piece. New stories are created, told and shared. . .This excites me.

. . .and with all that going on in the world.  . . there truly is no time like the present moment. . .

Now there is also this phenomena that there is only so much time in the day. . .how can we double it? Automation and getting help is key. . .this is something that I too am learning all about. . . I have just created a broadcast (that i am the only one able to post messages) whatsap group, for the pop-up painting workshops. . . in order for fast, direct communication. Let me know if you would like to join these pop ups and want to be in the group.

x Daniella

Do give the tip of this month a go, at the end of this newsletter. Feel free to contact me to explore your next chapter together, regardless of location. Skype, Whattsap Video, Zoom and Facetime at our fingertips, locations know no boundaries!


A) Kidz Art Lab:  Sundays 10-11:00 am for +/- 18 months- +/-5 year olds . . .                                        http://www.ateliermolenpad.com/kidzartlab             https://www.facebook.com/kidzartlab/

KidzArtLab classes are weekly (see vacation schedule). Session focus on the magical worlds of Drawing, Painting & Sculpture. Parents join in with their child. The lab is as exciting for caretaker and child. You will have a blast releasing your own inner child! Join our Instagram @kidzartlab or Facebook @kidzartlab group for dates. Fees: 1 time is 23 euro and for 6 times is 108 euro. Note: We are looking to beef up our team, and we are offering internship positions. It’s a great place to learn and grow.

(TeenArtLab pop up workshops are now being put together: Please inquire when interested.)  

B) SMART Adult painting. There is a new whatsap group, for the adult pop up workshops.  . . This came out of a suggestion from participants to make scheduling easier!

C) Daniella’s Sculpture:

Play Sculpture installation got grant funding from the Amsterdam Fonds voor de Kunst! YAY!!! It is an interactive piece. This sculpture installation will happen at NDSM Fuse 20th February is the opening and after at Molenpad, in the outdoor space next to the waiting area for physiotherapy. They will be cardboard figures that the public can interact with. The Instagram hashtag for this project is #playartamsterdam .

Freedom Sculpture installation Is a big installation that I, along with two other artists were invited to create our own pitch on. It is about a new art installation for Amsterdam Nieuw West! I was the second runner up for this project. . .should it not work out with the other artist piece. . .

Giant Pink Glasses, formerly known as La Vie En Rose 2.0: Come and participate with the happenings of this installation! Artists send in your ideas to daniella@daniellarubinovitz.com . More info on my Patreon site about supporting this project: https://www.patreon.com/daniellarubinovitz(Address: Anton Schleperspad, Amsterdam- 15 minute with bus 397 on way to Schiphol, 1 min walk from bus stop)

D) Team Development: Ready for a unique team offsite session! Inquire about painting workshops that get teams to share more about themselves. . .while having a blast expanding their creativity. No experience necessary! Really! Contact me.

E) SMART Coaching 1:1? Contact me. Curious about what could be expected about working with me in a private coaching session? You see, I combine Art Therapy (I’m an Art Therapist) and Coaching (and a certified Coach) with clients on a range of personal development topics that uncover the light in order to let it guide you on your path. I use art as an initial diagnostic tool to get an accurate picture of what is happening in the here and now. . .followed up with verbal coaching to meet goals.

F) SMART week retreats in Amsterdam: Check out retreat schedule for 2020. . . http://www.ateliermolenpad.com/painting-retreat-week-amsterdam/



Decluttering your painting . . .

  1. Scribble scrabble. . .and paint on paper and make a ‘mess’.
  2. With white paint, or glue and white paper, start to cover over lines, shapes, colors that you don’t need any more.
  3. Rotate the paper around and relook to see if there are more shapes that you don’t need.
  4. Maybe you could even combine some shapes.
  5. Keep going until you have reached the essence of your painting. What do you notice?
  6. Like to share? Post your art and findings on https://www.facebook.com/ateliermolenpad1/  . . .or Contact me for more on this topic.
Categories: Journal
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