September Buzz . . .


Feeling the September buzz in the air? Most schools in the Northern Hemisphere have just started. So exciting being in a new class or seeing your fellow classmates after a summer break! A new notebook perhaps? What else?

I love the feeling that everything is but an imprint in time. Look around you, see the layers of marks on your desk, the scuffs on your shoes. The are all things that make them yours. They carry memories of your travels, adventures and journey.

At the studio, spatters of paint form layers of being an intuitive painting studio for over the 36 years. Some marks were created as a first spark of expression, daring. Other marks were more details and conscious precision to depict a figuration. All the same, they build up a story of what has past and what is still to come. These boards have been cleaned, scraped and reused over and over and over again. What we see now is a board full of inspiring energy to create further on to. It is welcoming to us. It doesn’t worry that it will get ruined because it knows that it is a support for a stream of inspiration.

Is says, come come come!

So what new marks are waiting for you to express?

Are you well on your way and just need to do, or is there something left to gain confidence in to achieve this. . .a course. . .or an action that you can do to move you closer to bullseye?

  1. Now go and do it!


Look over at the EVENT column to the right to see what workshops and retreats are going on! Note: Smart 1:1 Sessions are bookable to fit your schedule!

Categories: Journal
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