December Food For Thought. . .


December is traditionally such the time of togetherness! Though it’s getting colder outside, inside is getting all chummy, making some time to be together for all sorts of meals. Company gatherings, family gatherings, friends, both old and new allow for some extended holiday meals and the feeling of doing something special for yourself and those around. In The Netherlands, the holiday season was started off yesterday, 5th of December with Sinterklaas (Saint Nicholas). Family and friends celebrate this holiday traditionally with poetry, gifts, gingerbread-like candy and food. . .so over here the holiday season has started.

Speaking of which, all the urgency to meet up this month, before the end of the year can seem a bit overwhelming. It is in my opinion up to each one of us to decide how we may want to go about the desire to round up the year, tie up loose ends perhaps even get away for a couple of days and prepare for 2016.  I definitely see this time period as a skilled art form, into creating a warm bundel of fun, connectedness and meaningful gatherings. Creativity is once again key! Speaking of which. . .some food for thought this holiday season. . .and a perfect ice-breaker at meal gatherings of any scale is to. . . see your “after you have finished eating your meal” plate as a work of art. Yes, this similar to tea leaf/ coffee reading, but oh so much more colourful!

As all works of art, you may be able to notice something specific about yourself and others. This is especially easier to do when you are able to compare your after a meal plate with others on the table. I like to compare this finished diner plate with your painting pallet. The pallet can be so revealing of your painting. . .

So what can you do?  Here are my tips in 5 steps. . .

Step 1: Fill your dinner plate and enjoy it. . .such a blessing!

Step 2: Eat until you are done. . .

Step 3: After you have finished, observe your plate, turn it, squint your eyes and see what you notice . . .

Step 4: Show and tell, have others at the table show their plate (when everyone is finished eating. . .of course). Ask if it is ok to share what you see with the other person and let the discussions begin. See if you can mention at least 3 values on each dinner plate. Often feedback from others can help to see your own values. . .

Step 5 (bonus): What goal could you set for the New Year that reflects your values?

ps. As lead for Art and Education for Burning Man Netherlands, it was fun to interview some artists who participated during the Dutch Decom Burning Man Event that took place last month. See the interview here:  http://livestream.com/eventproducent/DutchDecom/videos/105178618



Look over at the EVENT column to the right to see what workshops and retreats are going on! February 22nd is the date for the next Painting Retreat in Amsterdam! Note: Smart 1:1 Sessions are bookable to fit your schedule! I look forward to seeing you next around campus!

Categories: Journal
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