November Foliage Drumroll . . .


Let’s hear the drumroll. . .drrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrd. . .for the beautiful expression of the leaves going on!

This is such another time of year that I love. . .in the Northern Hemisphere we are in full Autumn. . .leaves bursting out into all shades of red, orange, yellow and brown. The wind coming in and letting these leaves soar as a carpet formation onto the earth.
What would your sketches, paintings look like if you acted like nature during Autumn. . . Fully expressed and letting go of any inhibitions, feeling confident that its all meant to be?

Mmmm, wishing you a super November, and I look forward to seeing you this month!

ps. I hope that you enjoyed the 30 day painting challenge last month, where you provided the inspirational colors so that I could translate them into a painting a day. Missed it? You can check them out on my instagram account. . . https://instagram.com/daniellarubinovitz/

pps. What else. . .as you know that I am quite involved with Burning Man, I wanted to be sure that you knew about the Dutch Decom Burning Man Event 2015. This event will take place on November 21st, here in Amsterdam. I am lead for Art and Education. . .so please do let me know if you would like to still submit a project of yours, can even be reading some poetry, or TED X-like talk. . .as we have a fantastic stage just for you! The event itself takes place from 3:00pm- 5:00am. The event is FREE until 9:00pm. This included the AMAZING FIRE SHOW. . .You need tickets after 9:00pm. . .Hope to see you there!  http://www.daniellarubinovitz.com/event/dutch-decom-amsterdam-burning-man/



Look over at the EVENT column to the right to see what workshops and retreats are going on! Note: Smart 1:1 Sessions are bookable to fit your schedule! I look forward to seeing you next around campus!

Categories: Journal
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