July Sparks & Updates . . .


With 4th of July and all, feeling extra sparkly. . .so bear with me dear friends!

In taking my own advice, I am digging in deep and discovering what is at the essence of what I most like to do, to share, to make a difference.  Needless to say, I am practicing efficiency with my time these days. Over the last year, I have seen how SMART sessions can bring such insight both on a personal and business level – as described in my book.

This is mostly because it is the best of the world of intuitive painting woven in with coaching and a dash of therapy. It’s an all in one and I absolute love it when great insight comes out of art, that the maker can implement and make a positive change.

So with that said, moving forward there are updates at the studio. . .change is good, it’s movement. I will integrate this SMART Session wisdom in all courses, workshops and retreats. In practicality this means that all the monthly club will be topic based. Of course that DOES involve intuitive painting, which after all represents the A (Art) in SMART.

There’s more too! The monthly group, starting in September will be both in person and ONLINE through a private group support where everyone can post their images! I will be recording the exercises so that you can participate at home from any international location. What this means is that the online part is simply an extra bonus for those coming to the studio each month in person.

. . .and now more than ever, if you have to miss an in person session, you can make it up at home. You will also have an intimate international support community. . .super easy to access. . . to share inspiration and insight into your art pieces and accountability. All the same time this is available only to club members to maintain intimate and discreteness. More details coming about this!

I hope that you will be as excited about this as I am! Let’s do this! I would love to hear your thoughts and concerns of course! Let’s make it great! I see the monthly sessions to be your time to: be seen,  experience abundance, feel great, belong and love your job! Of course everyone gets to discover at their own pace. . .as we stay in contact with our feelings.


Our tip this month: Grab your sketchbooks and fill em up with your own SMART sessions! This is how I have been doing all of my planning!

  1. Grab a sheet of paper, or even better, grab your journal. . .sketchbook. . .
  2. Use any materials and write. . .draw. . .write. . .in layers
  3. Be amazed by your creative genius at work!


The next international painting week retreat in Amsterdam will take place on 11th- 15th of July! We have such a great mix of local Amsterdam participants with international travellers.

Categories: Journal
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