June Practice: Be full of life, jokes, love & plans. . .


Welcome to June!

Let’s simplify during this full on month. What better time to practice being full with yourself! Ha, so funny actually yes? What do you mean by being full with yourself?! Well, go ahead and see to what degree you are full of life? What about full of jokes? Do you joke with yourself? What about love? Are you  full of love for yourself? and let’s not forget about being full of plans. . .what is next on your goodie list?

In taking my own advice, I am digging in deep and discovering what is at the essence of what I most like to do, to share, to make a difference.  Needless to say, I am practicing efficiency with my time these days. Over the last year, I have seen how I absolutely cherish SMART sessions – as described in my book. This is mostly because it is the best of the world of intuitive painting woven in with coaching and a dash of therapy. It’s an all in one and I absolute love it when great insight comes out of art, that the maker can implement and make a positive change.

So with that said, moving forward there is change. . .change is good, it’s movement. I will integrate this wisdom in all courses, workshops and retreats. In practicality this means that all the monthly club will be topic based. I hope that you will be as excited about this as I am! This is after all your time to be. . . fearless, fly, be in abundance, plan, feel good and love what you do! Of course everyone gets to discover at their own pace. . .

These are the updates for now and I hope that you will agree with me that when you are in the best place you can be, physically, emotionally and mentally, the rest of the world gets permission to do the same.

. . .sort of reminds me of Michael Jackson’s Man in the Mirror song. . .about making changes. . .and starting with yourself.

Go ahead and be full with yourself!  Discover the permission of happiness that this can bring others! It’s a win win plan!


Our tip this month is to discover how to be full of life, full of love, full of jokes and full of plans!

  1. Grab a sheet of paper, or even better, grab your journal. . .sketchbook. . .
  2. Use any materials and draw a circle, then divide it into 3 parts. . .
  3. Write the following for each of the pie slices: Life, Love & Jokes. . .
  4. In each pie slice add comments on where you can be more in that area. For instance, where can you be more full of life, where can you be more full of love, where can you be more full of jokes?
  5. Make a plan for each of your three areas. . .
  6. Go ahead and implement!
  7. Bonus: When you have implemented your plan and are well on your way of reaching your newly set goals. . .make your own T-shirt and wear proudly and show the world that you are Full of . . .Love/ Life/ Jokes/ Plans . . .


The next international painting week retreat in Amsterdam will take place on 11th- 15th of July! We have such a great mix of local Amsterdam participants with international travellers.

Categories: Journal
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