May we participate? Yes Please!


Welcome May. . .this is the month of remembrance as it is of celebration. To remember those who left us untimely during the wars, who suffered before and beyond. To honor them. It’s also the month where we celebrate and honor mothers. . .our mothers and the mother figure. Love, nurturing and committed. So it’s like the circle of life, the fall and the rising up.

May feels indeed like the transition month between Spring and Summer. This time of spring buzz buzz of excitement while waking up (metaphorically speaking) and then getting ready for settling down and relaxing with easy breeze of summer (at least in the Northern Hemisphere).

I feel exactly this. . . a spark of inspiration recently landed in the area of participating even more with other artists. You see La Vie En Rose has a 5 year invite at its current location (De Oeverlanden, a lake/forest combo park of Amsterdam). I thought that it would be great fun to add temporary elements to the installation. . .like crocheted eyes and such. (fun right!) These elements are the collaborative part where creatives can join in the fun. . .yes you!

In order to have a page that those who are interested in being involved in this project I created a Patreon page: https://www.patreon.com/daniellarubinovitz

Check it out! It is exciting to have a platform membership site where I can share behind the scene videos as these installations happen! With even $1/ month you are an official sponsor of this La Vie En Rose 2.0 art initiative! Pretty cooleo in my book!

The next Adult intuitive painting club night at Atelier Molenpad is on Tuesday, May 7th. If you have been thinking about joining, but postponing. . .stop postponing! It is not sure how long this monthly course will be offered. I’m going with the flow based on interest. Don’t miss your chance!

Kidz Art Lab is starting its engines, with some initial play experiment groups forming, (inquire with Daniella about these). The first cluster of three meetups of the official Lab will happen on Sundays June 2, June 9, June 16th from 10-11:00 am (18 months- 5 year olds). The Lab content dictates clusters of three. Session focus on the magical worlds of Drawing,  Painting and Sculpture. Parents join in with their child during these meet ups. The lab is as exciting for parent and child. Join our Instagram @kidzartlab or Facebook @kidzartlab group for dates.

On another note for adults: Ready for a unique Team Development Event? Contact me. Want to work 1:1? Contact me.

Curious about what could be expected about working with me in a private coaching session? You see, I combine Art Therapy (I’m an Art Therapist) and Coaching (and a certified Coach) with clients on a range of personal development topics in order to inspire the YOU to accelerate to new levels at work and personal life. I use art as an initial diagnostic tool to get an accurate picture of what is happening in the here and now. The core topic for getting unstuck are quickly revealed using this process. I follow up with coaching to meet goals through my fine tuned verbal coaching skills.

x Daniella

Do give the tip of this month a go. Feel free to contact me to explore your next chapter together, regardless of location. Skype, Whattsap Video, Zoom and Facetime at our fingertips, locations know no boundaries!

So there has been much news about Privacy Policies, and so yes, our privacy is located on my site.



Let your inner artist out!

  1. Write. . . doodle. . .write . . .on paper.
  2. Over it add crayons. . .paints. . .nail polish?
  3. In between add magazine. . .newspaper bits. . .
  4. Stop when you feel done!
  5. Observe. . .stare at it for 2 minutes.
  6. Take the time to be with it.
  7. Done.
  8. Like to share? Post your drawings and findings on https://www.facebook.com/ateliermolenpad1/  . . .or Contact me for more on this topic.

1) Kidz Art Lab:  The first cluster of three meetups will happen on Sundays June 2, June 9, June 16th from 10-11:00 am (+/- 18 months- 5 year olds)   http://www.ateliermolenpad.com/kidzartlab https://www.facebook.com/kidzartlab/

2)SMART Intuitive Painting Club:

Spring | Summer 2019.  Dates: May 7, June 4, July 16, August 20.

Autumn | Winter | Spring 2019-2020. Dates: (2019) Sept 24, Oct 29, Nov 19 (2020) Feb 11, March 17, April 7. We meet in person, on a Tuesday evening 6:30pm- 9:30pm, Amsterdam.  Sign up now. Send me a mail. http://www.ateliermolenpad.com/intuitive-painting-plus/

3) SMART week retreats in Amsterdam: The week retreat in Amsterdam will be on 8-12 July 2019. http://www.ateliermolenpad.com/painting-retreat-week-amsterdam/

4) La Vie En Rose 2.0: Come and participate with the happenings of this installation! Artists send in your ideas to daniella@daniellarubinovitz.com . More info on my Patreon site about supporting this project: https://www.patreon.com/daniellarubinovitz(Address: Anton Schleperspad, Amsterdam- 15 minute with bus 397 on way to Schiphol, 1 min walk from bus stop)

Categories: Journal
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