
December: A Silver Expression . . .

08:00 01 December in Journal


Welcome to December. . .  

This time of year makes me feel the expressions of silver. Lets talk about Illumination, reflection, glamor and the feminine power. It is especially during these winter months, (in the northern hemisphere that is) where we don’t have as many hours of the golden sunlight. Instead we get nurtured by the qualities of moonlight. The moon caries with it, the metaphor of the feminine energy. We can choose to tune into this calming and emotionally fluid, sensitive energy to hunker down and connect with our earthly reflection. Go ahead and feel what this difference might mean for yourself: moon energy instead of sun energy. Mmmmm

Speaking of reflection, silver carries a mesmerising quality of reflection. We can get the sense that the energy that we send out is reflected back to us. This feeling is similar to the effects of throwing a boomerang. What we throw out there is reflected back to us, irregardless of whether it is positive or negative. This effect is just like the law of reciprocity, we are speaking about treating and wishing for others as we would for ourself. Throw good wishes out there and receive good wishes back. See how you think and do unto others. . .to get a sense of what might be on its way back to you. Mmmm, yes, a lot of food for thought is brought on by silver.

Now. . .to get a little bit sidetracked, additional food for thought on silver makes me think about its physical anti-bacterial properties. Mmmm yes, a great way to boost our immunity over these winter months.

Ok, back on track. . .thinking of the moon qualities and silver, I appreciate the illuminating quality of silver. This radiant glow of silver gently can light the way forward for us. As our path is lit, we can open our mind to new possibilities and inspiration. What a wonderful quality to glide into the new year!

Let’s not forget the pure sophisticated qualities of silver as we close off 2016 and move into 2017. As a practical color, we can combine it with all colors well, as it will reflect and illuminate these surrounding colors. Pretty practical as silver is. . . and of course, not to forget the sparkles this time of year carrying with it such an alluring, shiny eye catcher. Well I could go on and on about silver and even further about the qualities of the moon.

Please give the tip of this month a go and do contact me if you would like some individual guidance into your next chapter!


Our tip this month: Experience through charcoal the nurturing silver moon qualities . . . 

  1. Fill the whole page with charcoal, use your entire palm to massage the charcoal onto the paper.
  2. With the back of your hand (probably charcoal free) rub of the charcoal to create the feeling of light. 
  3. Play with adding and taking away charcoal. This can be addictive as you see light and dark play with each other. Silver is a balance between this light and dark.
  4. When you feel that you are done, take note how you feel, what is your energy like?
  5. Place your image upright in front of you. Take not of what images you see, and start some associative writing in your notebook about your experience. Welcome to the world of the silver moon!



SMART Intuitive Painting Club: Next session December 20th. Book your spot now!

This is a fun journey that we embark on together. Each month we will come together as a group . . .whether you participate in realtime online, weather you live in Switzerland, New York, Portland, Chile etc. . .join in! Of course you can make it live in person when you are in Amsterdam! This journey starts  7:00pm- 10:00pm Amsterdam time. (which is 1:00 pm EST and 10:00 am PST). Join us on this journey!

As you know, the monthly group will be in the form of SMART sessions. This combines insight from the world of intuitive painting woven in with a dash of coaching. Of course that DOES involve intuitive painting, which after all represents the A (Art) in SMART. More info about my book SMART.

We meet in person, on a Tuesday evening,  Current dates: (2016) Dec 20, (2017) Jan 17, Feb 21, March 21. All live sessions are open through a virtual portal (online) and they will be recorded so that you can view and participate at your convenience. . .so. . . you don’t miss anything!

Participation is for members. Newcomers to the studio may be able to attend one class as a one time single workshop for 60 euro (as long as space permits). The online part of the program and online private group is inclusive for those who join the 7 month club in person as well.

Bank transfer preferred method of payment. (NL36INGB0006283226 ING Bank, Attention Atelier Molenpad. Please write your name in case it is different name on bank account.)