
October Golden Nugget . . .

08:00 01 October in Journal


I’m eager to once again share inspiration for this month of October! As you are probably quite aware that as part of painting using the SMART painting process, we receive Golden Nuggets. You see, painting is a metaphor. . .and within these metaphors, we receive golden nuggets. These nuggets provide us inspiration, insight and goals. They warm our heart, make us stop in our tracks and bring on reflection to topics for discussion. 

This month, we cherish the golden nugget of taking space. In painting this translates as filling the canvas. This topic is two fold. On one side it’s about using the whole canvas. In painting, the canvas is our world, so the point is to connect with our whole canvas. Connect with the space that we are given, and go beyond. Dare to take in the space, express yourself.

On the other side, go past the boundaries of the canvas. The boundaries are there as a factory default setting, so to say. They are by no means definite. They are convenient for producing the canvas. . .that’s it. . . Going off the edge of your canvas speaks about the fact that this canvas is a mere snapshot, a pixel if you will, in the larger canvas representing the world. Going over the edge of our canvas speaks about our connection with others. It speaks about taking space. It speaks about non-limiting ideas. We get to play with how we integrate with our environment, with the rest of the world. As we are mostly not secluded, we can connect to our surroundings. 

Over the years, I have noticed, In team event workshops that the edge of the canvas is seen as a holy boundary. Either out of respect or being modest, often there is a buffer of space, leaving the edges of the paper untouched. Try this out, see what it feels like to leave a large area of the canvas untouched, versus paining right off the edge.

On another topic, and golden nugget that will be explored an other month, has to do with La Vie En Rose move to Amsterdam. This installation is about the nugget of perspectives. Again, insight will be for another month, I just wanted to share however, that It is currently on display in Amsterdam in the Oeverlanden park. This is a gorgeous forest, lake setting. Do go and check it out. The address, for your navigator is Anton Schleperspad, Amsterdam.

Looking for accountability for your creativity? Know that you have a great studio to come to monthly with others! Receive guidance and inspiration in your drawing and painting! Receive golden nuggets first hand! The next monthly intuitive painting club night at Atelier Molenpad is on October 16th. . . next week! There are still spots to come and check it out once. When these spots fill up, it will be exclusive to club members. Also, If you have been thinking about joining, but postponing. . .stop postponing! It is not sure how long this monthly course will be offered. Don’t miss your chance!

Ready for a unique Team Development Event full of golden nuggets? Contact me about possibilities. I look forward to welcoming you and your team for a training with a huge splash of paint and bottom line nuggets. More on this, I was recently asked, what could be expected about working with me in a private coaching session? You see, I coach with clients on a range of personal development topics in order to inspire the coachee to accelerate to new levels at work and personal life. I use art as an initial diagnostic tool to get an accurate picture of what is happening in the here and now. The core topic for getting unstuck are quickly revealed using this process. I follow up with coaching to meet goals through my fine tuned verbal coaching skills.

x Daniella

Do give the tip of this month a go. Feel free to contact me to explore your next chapter together, regardless of location. Skype, Whattsap Video, Zoom and Facetime at our fingertips, locations know no boundaries!

So there has been much news about Privacy Policies, and so yes, our privacy is located on my site.



The tip this month is for you to brainstorm about a topic taking space  . . .

  1. Create a drawing or painting as shown in video.
  2. Pay extra attention to filling the canvas.
  3. Go past the edge of the canvas in at least two areas.
  4. Observe your painting from an Objective perspective.
  5. Observe your painting from a Subjective perspective.
  6. What’s it like to take up your space on the canvas
  7. What’s it like to go off the canvas.
  8. Like to share? Post your drawings and findings on  . . .or Contact me for more assistance on this topic.

1)SMART Intuitive 8 Month Painting Club: We meet in person, on a Tuesday evening 6:30pm- 9:30pm Amsterdam time (New dates are online:  (2018) Oct 16, Nov 20, Dec 11, (2019) Jan 15, Feb 19, March 19, April 16.  Sign up now by sending me a mail. Newcomers to the studio are able to attend oneclass as a one time single workshop (as long as space permits).

2) Perspectives (formally known as La Vie En Rose): Come and visit this installation in Amsterdam!The address, for your navigator is Anton Schleperspad, Amsterdam. From Amsterdam its a 20 minute bus ride with bus 397 on way to Schiphol. Super easy and gorgeous 1 minute walk from bus stop.

3) SMART week retreats in Amsterdam and Greece: The next week retreat in Amsterdam is to be announced soon for July 2019