December Food For Thought. . .

TIP OF THE MONTH December is traditionally such the time of togetherness! Though it's getting colder outside, inside is getting all…

November Foliage Drumroll . . .

TIP OF THE MONTH Let's hear the drumroll. . .drrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrd. . .for the beautiful expression of the leaves going on!…

October Inspiration . . .

TIP OF THE MONTH Let's talk about inspiration this month! Where does it come from? How can we keep it…

September Buzz . . .

TIP OF THE MONTH Feeling the September buzz in the air? Most schools in the Northern Hemisphere have just started.…

SPRING updates @Atelier Molenpad

This SPRING issue is short and all about sharing exciting things happening @ Atelier Molenpad. Lots of spring cleaning, and…

Group Show ATELIER MOLENPAD Season 2012-2013

Group Show ATELIER MOLENPAD Season 2012-2013 Flyer will come here

Rituals & Ceremonies

CEREMONIES AND RITUALS SPARK CREATIVITY ! Now that we are off to a great zooming start in the year, I…