Author: admin

March: Through Rose Colored Glasses

01 March in Journal

TIP OF THE MONTH Welcome to March! Does this mean that we are done with winter and ready to start off the Spring (In the Northern Hemisphere that is)? It's funny to contemplate this, especially as we have quite a strong hail storm today in Amsterdam! Do we see the glass half full or half empty. . .might I suggest half full- seems to offer so many more possibilities in my book! Guess it's a matter of choosing our perspective! What if changing our perspectives was a matter of changing our glasses. Consider putting the concept of rose colored glasses to the test. What would we notice about the world now? What about this will expand our thoughts, feelings, senses. What new insight might motivate us to jumpstart that project sitting on the back burner? What might these rose colored glasses have to do in enhancing our creativity? It is my opinion that Rose coloured glasses have much in common with  creativity....

February: A window into yourself

01 February in Journal

TIP OF THE MONTH Wowzers, here we are in February! What a loving month, with cupid in the air and all. Though the weather in Amsterdam has been fairly mild, we have still have the shorter days of winter. . . .and now we are enjoying how each day is getting longer once again. This brings about this exciting feeling for me that Spring is just around the corner (of course, depending on your location, you may be experiencing exactly the opposite sensation: moving from Summer to Autumn). So with this tingling of change in the air, what would it feel like to take this time to awaken your creativity to a next level? On that note, in January, I created a Smart Vision Board for what I will create in 2016. Note: Check out my January Blog to create a board for yourself. As a matter of fact, as I am sitting here typing away, my colorful board sits right in front of...

January Diamond in the Rough. . .

01 January in Journal

TIP OF THE MONTH Welcome 2016! A new year is ahead of us. . .one that I am particularly excited about. While in Iceland I have been absorbing inspiration all around. The landscape here is especially fascinating. You see what we experienced is an ever changing array of colors, textures, temperatures and light. In particular, I was struck by the gorgeous transparency and reflectivity at one particular lava beach. You see, this lava beach is the receiver of countless stranded iceberg chunks that get washed ashore by the sea. Sad on one aspect to witness them melting. From a visual perspective, these natural ice sculptures are fascinating beyond belief to witness them up so close. They vary in all shapes, sizes, color intensities and translucency; from a striking teal blue to complete transparent and opaque surfaces. Walking along this black beach with glowing sculptures got me thinking about how each one reminds me of an...

December Food For Thought. . .

10 December in Journal

TIP OF THE MONTH December is traditionally such the time of togetherness! Though it's getting colder outside, inside is getting all chummy, making some time to be together for all sorts of meals. Company gatherings, family gatherings, friends, both old and new allow for some extended holiday meals and the feeling of doing something special for yourself and those around. In The Netherlands, the holiday season was started off yesterday, 5th of December with Sinterklaas (Saint Nicholas). Family and friends celebrate this holiday traditionally with poetry, gifts, gingerbread-like candy and food. . .so over here the holiday season has started. Speaking of which, all the urgency to meet up this month, before the end of the year can seem a bit overwhelming. It is in my opinion up to each one of us to decide how we may want to go about the desire to round up the year, tie up loose ends perhaps even get away for a couple of days and prepare...

November Foliage Drumroll . . .

01 November in Journal

TIP OF THE MONTH Let's hear the drumroll. . .drrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrdrd. . .for the beautiful expression of the leaves going on! This is such another time of year that I love. . .in the Northern Hemisphere we are in full Autumn. . .leaves bursting out into all shades of red, orange, yellow and brown. The wind coming in and letting these leaves soar as a carpet formation onto the earth. What would your sketches, paintings look like if you acted like nature during Autumn. . . Fully expressed and letting go of any inhibitions, feeling confident that its all meant to be? Mmmm, wishing you a super November, and I look forward to seeing you this month! ps. I hope that you enjoyed the 30 day painting challenge last month, where you provided the inspirational colors so that I could translate them into a painting a day. Missed it? You can check them out on my instagram account. ....

October Inspiration . . .

10 October in Journal

TIP OF THE MONTH Let's talk about inspiration this month! Where does it come from? How can we keep it streaming? I like to think of two overal sources of inspiration: Internal and External. Internal inspiration comes from out intuition, our core, our life force.  This can be a feeling, sensation. . .an emotion that rises up to the surface, that wants to express and just shows up in our work. We don't put any thought into it, we just need to let it come out. At the studio, we often use this sense as a primary source of inspiration to steer our way into intuitive/ expressive painting. Here, we have no idea what the final result will show. There are no comparisons, and we leave aesthetic discussions to the side. It just is. External inspiration, I believe comes from a stimulation from our senses. . .think about seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling and touching. How...

September Buzz . . .

10 September in Journal

TIP OF THE MONTH Feeling the September buzz in the air? Most schools in the Northern Hemisphere have just started. So exciting being in a new class or seeing your fellow classmates after a summer break! A new notebook perhaps? What else? I love the feeling that everything is but an imprint in time. Look around you, see the layers of marks on your desk, the scuffs on your shoes. The are all things that make them yours. They carry memories of your travels, adventures and journey. At the studio, spatters of paint form layers of being an intuitive painting studio for over the 36 years. Some marks were created as a first spark of expression, daring. Other marks were more details and conscious precision to depict a figuration. All the same, they build up a story of what has past and what is still to come. These boards have been cleaned, scraped...

SPRING updates @Atelier Molenpad

12 April in Uncategorized

This SPRING issue is short and all about sharing exciting things happening @ Atelier Molenpad. Lots of spring cleaning, and shaping up the programs. . .schedule and all. Below you will find 3 sections. In the last section, NEW SEASON 2013-2014, I am looking for your scheduling feedback. . .YES some scheduling updates in the air, and more fun activities to be announced in next issue of this newsletter! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATELIER MOLENPAD GROUP SHOW: SAVE THE DATE, 25 April 6-9:00pm! We are having a show of participating students @ Atelier Molenpad, Intuitive Painting Center. This group show is called: 'Our. . .' It's a collaboration of works exploring. . .OURselves, OUR movements & OUR inspriations. Participating Artists are: Victoria Schuller (Also created OUR flyer, below) / Aartienne Kleyer / Watse Hamstra Rieneke de Ruiter / Ans de Kruif / Tatiana Terekhova/ Erik Pels / Helma Knijn / Anke Kroon / Julika Marijn Facebook page for this event -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMMER WEEK...

Rituals & Ceremonies

02 February in Uncategorized

CEREMONIES AND RITUALS SPARK CREATIVITY ! Now that we are off to a great zooming start in the year, I have been thinking about cycles, patterns, rituals, ceremonies and traditions. Have you ever stopped to think about the value of ceremonies both in your personal life, and at work? Ceremonies allow us to celebrate milestones, keep stories alive from generation to generation and create a legacy for our hearts and souls. Hereby we can stand still to special moments in time that we cherish and share with loved ones. Sometimes they help us cope beter with circumstances by giving it a place in our hearts. They also help us create a unique sense of purpose that is attatched to time. While nature's laws have changing seasons, I, am so grateful for rituals that each season brings. Now in winter I have been able to receive beautiful gifts of white snow sprinkles throughout the...