Flying Fish Tag

Moving Forward

01 February in Journal

Moving forward are the words in my heart. I am focussed on upcoming projects. It makes sense to me too. Its the time to create and prepare for the springtime. A large project is the Earth Fish, this 5 meter wood sculpture that I am creating in my studio. Want to see daily updates? Check out my process @daniellarubinovitz on Instagram. As you can see on my video above, the studio was taken over by art. . .now they are easier to move again. I have been especially grateful for the repeat clients, group as individual who come weekly. ...


11 January in Journal

2022 ! Here we go! The thought crossed my mind that we were repeating a 'groundhog year' . . . in other words, a repeat of last year. Mostly because Amsterdam is again in lockdown. However now I experience that the energy is quite different. Things feel that they are shifting, happening. . . knock on wood, I can speak best about my personal perspective, as I have had experienced some project shifts which make me feel optimistic and fulfilled....

Melting Crayons

01 December in Journal

December is the perfect time to melt crayons. Try it out for yourself. . .a mini dip into the world of encaustic painting (painting with wax). Honestly, I just started playing with this technique myself and was simply experimenting with a box of crayons at the studio. All that's needed besides the crayons themselves are a heat dryer and a hot glue gun. More details below in the exercise this month. . .melting wax....


08 November in Journal

Sending this quick video to catch up and send some art inspiration as I share what I have been up to. These months have been filled with art and writing as I keep cranking on the art applications. I do find these art applications for a total art on their own. They take much time to complete. The sanity part is in creating more art, experimentation with new materials and techniques. I hope that you can watch the video above so the images can speak more than all the words in the world....

Extending Summer

01 September in Journal

Extending summer is my motto this month! Yes, it's already September and that means that we, in the northern hemisphere are heading into Autum followed by Winter. Well I don't know about you, but I'm feeling a warm welcome to extending summer. Luckily we are having a bit of an Indian Summer, which just feels right. Our summer was frequently interrupted with quite heavy rain loads and chilly winds, so this adds some balance. ...

Tie-Dye Inspiration

01 August in Journal

August is the highlight of summer . . .at least in the Northern hemisphere. Now is the time to get to those happy summer time activities, at least they are happy times for me. Tie-dye is a great way to play with color and pattern intuitively on some white T-shirts or other fabrics. Alternative using bleach on dark fabrics is a fun twist. They are fun to make and super to wear. I find them to be bursts of light and color!...

Color Fun

01 July in Journal

Color fun is just the playful exercise to bring in that summer fun wherever you are! Over here in the Northern hemisphere, its fun to create with inks and observe the inks transform colors instantly as they fuse into each other. Yellow and blue really do make green! This kind of feels like a cool lab experiment! We start to see what happens when we wet the paper first before squirting some ink....

Flying June Fish

08 June in Journal

I am delighted to share the unveiling of Flying Fish! It is suspended among the trees in Whidbey Island (North-West of Seattle). If you are in the area, please do go visit, I have already heard super feedback from visitors. Such fun. I am oh so grateful that this massive project was possible through the technology at our fingertips! I certainly miss not being there in person nonetheless....