Flying Fish Tag


02 January in Journal

Here we are deep in the core of January. Personally, I feel transformations happening all around. Globally and on a local level. Internally too, similar to the metamorphosis development of a butterfly, things are shifting. I have clarity on where I am spending my energy and what I am investing my time into. Love to hear how this is going for you?...


01 December in Journal

Can you tell, i've been expressing lots and lots in Bronze these months! So I thought nice to take you along with me on this journey. Here's a small peek into the foundry where I have been going to. As you will notice, I have been playing with bases and love the Ying Yang feeling in combining driftwood with bronze. Do check it out in video above. Love to hear your thoughts!...

Busy Autumn Bee . . .

01 September in Journal

We have officially started this Autumn Season! I feel a business around me, inside and outside. Feeling like a BUSY AUTUMN BEE collecting honey to carry me fourth through the winter! Mind you, the business that I am feeling is a good one. It is exciting, there are many ideas, opportunities. Lots of balls in the air too. I would love to hear how you are experiencing this season! Please drop me a note!...

Color Fun . . .

01 August in Journal

Fun with colors as inspiration sets off with the colors of the fully bloomed fruit and vegetables.. .I am now in Greece, it is hot hot hot over here and I am amazed with how fast the produce grows here! It's also this time of year that we create our annual tie-dye! See video above for this tie-dye inspiration. It's about play, color and mega experimentation. . .each year brings more ideas on how to tie the elastics and fold the fabric. It's quite a magical and unique experience each time. Fun thing is to wear these items all year round, keeps this summertime experience alive!...

Summertime . . .

01 July in Journal

Yay, summer in the air, nature and hearts. . . I just came back from the Voorlinden museum and the Clingenbosch Sculpture Gardens. Voorlinden had an impressive exhibit by Antony Gormley along with a whole cast of name dropping artists. The Clingenbosch Sculpture Garden has over 60 unique pieces by local and mostly international artists. My video above is just a small sampler and these pieces do need to be experienced in person. ...

Sculpture Immersion

01 June in Journal

Yay, summer in the air, nature and hearts. . . I just came back from the Voorlinden museum and the Clingenbosch Sculpture Gardens. Voorlinden had an impressive exhibit by Antony Gormley along with a whole cast of name dropping artists. The Clingenbosch Sculpture Garden has over 60 unique pieces by local and mostly international artists. My video above is just a small sampler and these pieces do need to be experienced in person. ...

Tides MAY Shift

17 May in Journal

Spring is here, and at my current exhibit location, in Diepenheim, (Just under and hour and half drive from Amsterdam) is in full bloom! It's wondrous to see the seedlings grow. . .lambs, foals, buds and my latest sculpture, Like a Fish out of Water, blooming and out in the world. If Fish Could Fly, my 8 meter original drawing is also on display here at the same location....

Spring Fling

01 April in Journal

Spring is here, and at my current exhibit location, in Diepenheim, (Just under and hour and half drive from Amsterdam) is in full bloom! It's wondrous to see the seedlings grow. . .lambs, foals, buds and my latest sculpture, Like a Fish out of Water, blooming and out in the world. If Fish Could Fly, my 8 meter original drawing is also on display here at the same location....

Bringing Light

01 March in Journal

Moving forward are the words in my heart. I am focussed on upcoming projects. It makes sense to me too. Its the time to create and prepare for the springtime. A large project is the Earth Fish, this 5 meter wood sculpture that I am creating in my studio. Want to see daily updates? Check out my process @daniellarubinovitz on Instagram. As you can see on my video above, the studio was taken over by art. . .now they are easier to move again. I have been especially grateful for the repeat clients, group as individual who come weekly. ...